
Moldova governed by Rooster Filat, Horse Lupu and Cat Ghimpu. Info-Prim Neo interview with astrologist Tatiana Paladi, director of Cosmological Center “Polus Geticus”


[ - How can you explain the disagreements inside the ruling alliance AEI-2?] - Cosmologists use a lot of astronomical, mathematical, astrological and other instruments to analyze the position of the planets when a new entity is born. All these regular heated debates inside the government coalition, the lack of consensus on some of the issues and other disagreements can be seen in the astrograms of the Alliance for European Integration (AEI) - 2. That's why early last December we recommended that the ruling alliance be formed after January 4, 2011. Moreover, we warned that the eclipses are accompanied by energy reconstructions that make the situation in society tense. Remember how society fumed last yearend... When the AEI-2 was created by the leaders of the three parties, House 1 (House of Life) was empty. This shows that the planetary energies (abilities, qualities) of the government coalition are not aimed at joining the forces of the three parties. The AEI-2, as the first pro-European alliance, is eclipsed, but enjoys great support from the energy partners (House 11 in Aries) that are rich and responsible (Fortune in Taurus). The atmosphere inside the alliance cannot be cozy as there is loneliness and distance at the base of the alliance. The leaders who assumed responsibility for the county's future must be patient as Pluton is in the partnership's House 7. This planet entered Capricorn for 16 years. This is the sign of power, responsibility, integrity, ambition, success and commitment. Another cosmological factor that makes the situation inside the AIE-2 unstable is the incompatibility of the life signs of the leaders. When the political parties headed by Filat and Urecheanu {about whom we spoke earlier} merged, the balance of power inclined to the PLDM and thus the situation can improve. But the reciprocal attacks between Filat and Ghimpu will not stop until they realize that they must keep their energies under control, first of all the energies of the life signs. They have diametrically opposed characters. The relation between Rooster (Filat) and Tomcat (Ghimpu) is vector-like. The master Tomcat does not tolerate the sincerity and toughness of the servant – the Rooster. It becomes aggressive when it sees the bird. If the servant yields and accepts the demands of the conservative master, the arguments and fights for domination will be overcome. [ - Which of the politicians is the most suitable candidate for the post of head of state from astrological viewpoint?] - The Presidents of the independent Moldova were astrologically compatible with the Lamb (three Cats and one Snake). The life signs of Lupu, Tanase, Ghimpu, Plahotniuc, Voronin, Godea, Palihovici, Tkachuk, Dodon, Leanca, Fusu and other politicians are the most compatible with the country today. [ - Marian Lupu is the only candidate for presidency fielded by the AEI-1 and AEI-2. How do you explain this situation?] - Astrologically, Marian Lupu is the most suitable candidate for this post. Having the energy of the powerful life sign Fire Horse {(Info-Prim Neo note – as the former Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev)}, he is predestined to pull Moldova's cart (Lamb) towards the EU (Tiger) and Russia (Horse). Owing to the compatibility of the life sign energies, in his work as head of state Lupu will be supported by Obama (Bull), Medvedev (Snake), Putin (Dragon), Merkel (Horse), Cameron (Horse), Hu Jintao (Horse), Sarkozy (Horse), Basescu (Cat), Yanukovich (Tiger), Rompuy (Pig), Buzek (Dragon), Zoellick (Snake) and other influential leaders. The sign of our leader is compatible with the signs of the countries and main parties on which Moldova's future depends. Thus, Lupu will be understood and supported in his efforts to promote the principles and values that will benefit the country. [ - How can the Moldovan political class benefit from the new cosmic energies?] - In order to perceive the energies of the New Cosmic Era, the political leaders must be multilaterally developed and know the past and future of the country they manage from Moldova's metahistory and from the sacred messages of our wise ancestors. Europe is full of monuments with cosmological meaning. In the developed countries, it is normal to decode the story or your life. For example, the Bull that is the symbol of Europeans' ancestors is placed in front of the Council of Europe and on the euro coin. Which of our leaders knows the astral significance of the head of Bull that is on our country's coats and the origin of the name Moldova? We are afraid to decode the inherited patrimony. Why is “Our Language” Moldova's anthem? Where is the place of our Geto-Dacian forefathers in our collective memory? When the students will be taught the civilizations that existed in the Danubian-Carpathian-Pontic area? When the political class answers these and other questions, they will start to benefit from the new cosmic energies. In order to be in harmony with the Universe today, one should know its meaning as cosmic entity. The political class must know the relation between Cosmology and Politics and use the cosmological knowledge in their work and the relations with their partners. They cannot miss the favorable cosmic arrangements that can save the country. In this respect, I'd like to refer to the Communist Party. The wise Metal Snake Voronin and the potent Fire Horse Tkaciuk should not miss the right moment to comply with the rigors of the times and change the orientation, the name and the symbols of their political party. I know personally many of their top members and I consider some of them to be among the fathers of this nation. But they should not dread any loss of voters and realize that the cosmic time today doesn't support anymore the manifesto of the Dog (the Communist Party) and the ideals of the Snake (the 1917 Revolution). The Lamb Moldova, metaphysically speaking, will continue to graze on the pasture of the Horse (Russia), while being supervised by the master Tiger (the EU) and admired by the sister lambs, Romania and Ukraine. The political opposition should realize that the Dog is the antipode of the Lamb, while the Cat – the patron of the year 2011, is the Lamb's friend. So they shouldn't ignore this meta-historical opportunity – the new political structure, either conservative or socialist in orientation, that could be born out of the Communist Party would be born under the sign of the Metal Cat, who would successfully work for the benefit of the Lamb. Also, this new party would be astrologically compatible with the signs of the aforenamed leaders. I think it's time for the academic community to start decoding the cosmic information and put up this political fire which is tormenting Moldovan society, and start offering consultations to the government in the spirit of the New Era rigors. And it's time for the politicians to understand that the old governing methods don't work anymore – how much longer are we going to rely on foreign assistance? [ - What role does Filat's character play in Moldova's astropolitical story?] - The activity of the Moldovan Napoleon, as the prime minister is often called on the Internet, can be interpreted as follows: The Rooster is the commander of the largest army that can defend the interests of the Lamb. Like I said earlier, the most prosperous party currently in government is the Liberal Democratic one. This political structure was born under the sign of the Pig, who energizes in a beneficial way the social environment. People in the countryside say that one who has a pig in the household is rich, so the conclusion is obvious: Prime Minister Filat's and his party's manifesto going under the name “Moldova without Povery” is realistic and enjoys cosmic support. The main goal of this talented organizer is to make the country's income meet its spending. To achieve this goal, the prime minister should be afforded freedom in his energetic moves. Filat seems to be a powerful leader who knows how to choose the right man for the right job when recruiting people into the army of the government. You can just recall Ion Creanga's esoteric fairy tale about the Rooster and the pouch with two coins, it perfectly illustrates the astrological features of the people with the sign of the Rooster. Filat inherited from this tale's main character the capacity to earn and administrate money, and this explains all the overseas money pouches that have opened for Moldova when Filat became prime minister. Filat's cosmic passport contains a lot of information which indicates that he is the most courageous, hardworking and sincere leader of the current political landscape. He will not be immediately acknowledged as a financial savior. But starting from 2012, he will earn more commendation and support. [ - What cosmic arrangements do you think helped Filat draw America's attention to Moldova?] - Astrologically Filat's Napoleonic influence on international level can be interpreted as follows: the sincere crow of the bold Moldovan Rooster (Vlad Filat, born in 1969) was heard by the overseas Ox ( Barack Obama, born in 1961). Both leaders are part of the Rulers Team, are energetic, hard-working and have innate leadership abilities. The Rooster hooked up the “Moldovan cart” to the conscious Ox, who is the more happier the heavier his load is. The people with the powerful sign of the Ox are predestined to help other people. And Filat has some very auspicious connections with the American president. Joe Biden's statement made during his recent visit to Chisinau that he and Barack Obama “celebrated Moldova's success” clearly demonstrates that politics is made according to cosmic arrangements, regardless of the size and might of the political entities. It is obvious that the compatibility of Obama's and Filat's signs has played a crucial role in attracting favorable American energies toward our country. [ - What do you think about the timing of the upcoming local elections, astrologically speaking? ] - Moldova has already had some negative experience in this respect and it's time for our politicians to start learning from their mistakes. If the local elections are scheduled from June, these will be negatively influenced by a parade of eclipses that will occur on June 2 and 16 and on July 1. We should recall the saying that haste makes waste. Goals should be achieved in the proper order: first the Constitution, then the President, and only then the local authorities. [Info-Prim Neo notes:] {1. Tatiana Paladi, head of Polus Geticus Center of Culture and Cosmology, has 2 decades of experience in politics and local administration. For 15 years, she has been studying the meta-history of Moldova and of the world and can decipher the planetary arrangements of geopolitical events, the energy codes of entities, the mysteries and paradigms of our pastoral land. She is the author of the cosmologic treaty on Moldova’s evolution “The Astral Destiny of Moldova” and of other works like “Moldova in 2010”, “Cosmology for and about Parents”, “Zodiac Congratulations”. “Cosmic Moldova” was recently released and is her latest work. 2. Polus Geticus Center of Culture and Cosmology published detailed information about the cosmic influences in 2011 on its website www.polusgeticus.com.md} [Elena Nistor, Info-Prim Neo]