
Moldova experiences ‘inflation of dysfunctional strategies’


Up to now, the Moldovan Government has not yet clearly defined its role in the process of economic and social development. This is a conclusion of “The Report on the State of Nation – Republic of Moldova 2007,” presented by the Expert Grup representatives at a round table on March 19, Info-Prim Neo reports. Alexandru Oprunenco, the program director within Expert Grup, says now, at the level of the Governmental and central administrative corps, an inflation of strategies which are not adequately implemented is noticed. According to the economist, there is a series of actions, but they do not combine into a coherent ensemble of public policies. Often the strategies overlap or even contradict one another. The expert maintains that the public policies developed by the Government have a deficient character. Thus the executive does not have sufficient administrative capacity to implement the adopted policies. According to him, the policies emitted by the Government have but a purely declarative feature, and thus a very liberal message outlines; still, it cannot be applied into practice. A concerning facet refers to the authorities’ incapability to form a professional class of bureaucrats. According to experts, Moldova needs a group of bureaucrats able to evaluate and monitor the application and monitoring of the strategies adopted. The report mentions that Moldova is passing through a postponed period of modernization. Up to now, no methods and solutions to improve the situation in the rural areas can be found. An obvious discrepancy between the rural and urban areas is still noticed. In this regard, the experts mention the problems of the infrastructure, as the extremely poor state of roads in villages, the lack of water and gas supplying networks, as well as a series of shortcomings in the social and educational spheres. Alexandru Oprunenco also stresses that many aspects related to the human dimension are not approached at a high level, neither are they seriously tackled by authorities. They mean the demographic crisis persisting in Moldova for more years and the phenomenon of migration gaining momentum lately especially among youths. According to the economist, the lack of the Government’s self-definition is mirrored in both the external policy and Moldova’s domestic image. There are certain indices demonstrating that, despite all statements and actions implemented till now, the country’s image abroad is worse and worse. The relationships with the neighboring countries and the Great Powers suffer from inconsistency. Alexandru Oprunenco has especially underlined the contradictory character of Moldova’s relationships with Romania, Russia and with the EU. “The State of the Nation Report” is an ample research structured into 9 chapters. The think-tank Expert Grup has exposed its view on a series of extremely important issues for the Republic of Moldova.