
Moldova condemned, without alternative. Info-Prim Neo analysis, part II


The first part of the given analysis {published on February 21} supported the idea that the election of the future President of Moldova, establishment of a stable government and agreeing of the country's development course are rings of the same logical and political chain. All these three elements are interdependent and each of them decides the fate of the political course in general. At the present stage, the three elements do not have alternatives and this makes the political class and Moldovan society in general to adopt a certain pattern of behavior that looks like voluntary condemnation. Thus, the election of the head of state is without alternative and can take place only with the forces of the ruling Alliance for European Integration (AEI), without the participation of the Communist Party (PCRM) that is in the Opposition. Only in such circumstances can the early elections be avoided and political stability be ensured. For its part, stability is to ensure the avoidance of an economic, social and political collapse. The first two elements are possible only if the European development course is irreversible, but they should also ensure this irreversibility. “The foreign political conjuncture is now extremely beneficial to Moldova. It is so beneficial that it does not allow room for alternative,” it was said in the first part of the analysis. [Visits and interests] The foreign political conjuncture is now marked inclusively by the forthcoming visits by high-ranking European officials to Moldova. The EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton will come to Chisinau in the near future. Afterword, visits will be paid by the U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden and Polish Prime Minister Donalds Tusk (Poland is to take over the presidency of the EU in several months). Similar visits with the same regularity and of the same importance have been paid during the last two years. Not many such visits were made during the previous, eight-year government. It is a paradox as the Communist government was a stable, even monolith one, while the last two years have been marked by permanent political instability, when not many visits are usually paid. The high European officials come with real support for the internal reforms, money and promises to provide money even if Moldova cannot ensure that stability that is striven for. At least two conclusions can be drawn in this respect: [First:] The visits by foreign officials confirm again the West's interest in Moldova. The West is determined to fulfill its plans as regards Moldova, even if it risks a lot. This interest is probably not only due to Moldova's efforts. For the first time in the history of this land, its geographical position can bring benefits. For the first time the permanent geopolitical interest in this crossroads is not associated with armed hordes, tanks, 'liberation', and 'occupation', but with common game rules. It would be illogical and against the human nature for the Moldovans to prefer the old approach to their place and role in history not the new approaches offered by the country's European course. [Second:] The West does not want to return to the relations that it had had with Moldova during the eight years while the PCRM ruled the country. Thus, it does not want the PCRM to return to power and provides solid and multilateral assistance to the non-Communist government. Consequently, economic growth, political stability and social welfare are possible only if the West is interested in continuing providing this assistance. There is no alternative because no one else in this world is ready to provide so much support, but Moldova needs this assistance like air. It does not matter why Moldova is now in such a situation. It is more important what steps will be taken from now on. [Oscillations between the East and the Vest] In the present conditions, the West for the Moldovans is a choice without alternative. That's why it is a painful choice, especially for the Moldovans who have oscillated between the East and the East for centuries owing to their nature. Are we not used to the lifestyle of the Western people? Were many of the Moldovans educated according to a different system of values and are now afraid they will not be able to get integrated? But that system does not exist anymore and its remnants scare us rather than attract us. Such rather serious cases are known in medicine as well – when the immune system fights against the body. The one million Moldovans who had to go abroad to work also did not have an alternative. Only these people can tell us if and how they got used to the life in the West. [Non-eternal offer] The offer and patience of the Western people are not eternal. They are not obliged to maintain their interest in Moldova as there can appear other priorities. The Arab and African nations that are now in riots and protests may need support and money more than the Moldovans. A part of the EU countries already {called to shift EU funds} from east to south. But if this happens, it will not happen during a day or a year, but rather quickly yet. Thus, there are no alternatives to the election of the President of Moldova and the selection of the development course and these steps should be decided without delay. [Valeriu Vasilica, Info-Prim Neo]