
“Moldova chooses between Russian model and European model”, Emmanuel Macron. Exclusive interview for Realitatea


The Republic of Moldova, on the day of presidential election and constitutional referendum, has to make a very simple choice – between the Russian model and the European model, the President of France Emmanuel Macron stated in an exclusive interview with Realitatea as part of the “Bridges to Europe” project, said realitatea.md, quoted by IPN.

The President of France explained why the European Union is the most suitable option for the Republic of Moldova. “First and foremost, I have always respected the sovereignty of nations and the free will of citizens who must make their own decisions. I believe this is an opportunity. When I look at Moldova and the region, the choice is clear—Moldova will either move toward a Russian or a European model. I’ve simplified the situation, but that’s the reality. The Russian model often prompts repeated questioning,” stated Emmanuel Macron.

The French leader believes that the choice that the citizens of the Republic of Moldova will make is crucial for the country’s future. “The beauty of the European model is that you will be asked, and this is called democracy. […] And as a convinced European, not as the President of France, but as a convinced European, especially here, talking to you and respecting the sovereignty of the Moldovan people, I hope that they will choose the path of Europe because it is the path of freedom and democracy,” said Emmanuel Macron.

He noted that it was precisely during the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, in the first half of 2022, that Chisinau came very close to the EU, the freedom of movement and visa facilitation being among the benefits brought to Moldova.

“In concrete terms, I would give the example of telecommunications and network integration costs. It is one of the agreements fixed at the European Political Community Summit in Moldova. Roaming charges were liberalized thanks to the involvement of operators. There are also a number of very concrete cooperation projects, investments, greater economic openness, freedom of movement that I mentioned and, together with it, cooperation in the fight against cyberattacks and against disinformation,” explained Emmanuel Macron.

Realitatea.md also says that the EU has provided strong support to Moldova in recent years, in the most difficult moments, such as Gazprom’s energy blackmail, has financially assisted the country in combating corruption and disinformation, in developing the economy and even punishing hate mongers. But the opening of accession negotiations with the European Union was the strongest support offered.

The interview with the President of France was part of the “Bridges to Europe” project, funded by Soros Foundation Moldova, in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Moldova, and implemented by the Association for Responsible Initiatives (ASPIR). It is to be broadcast not only on RLIVE, but also on the public television channel Moldova 1.