
Moldconstruct Market director demands right to reply, refuses to talk to journalists


SRL Moldconstruct Market will defend its honor and business reputation in court and will demand damages for the harm done to it. This is said in a statement that was read Wednesday by the company's director Angela Shcherbina, Info-Prim Neo reports. The director appeared before the journalists with delay and announced she will answer no questions, but only read the statement. The statement says the image of Moldconstruct Market was damaged as a results of the continuous inspections carried out by the control bodies and because of the information about the alleged illegal placement of the bar on Ciocarliei St and the challenging of the public auction at which the plot was purchased. The statement also says that Oleg Voronin, the son of the former President Vladimir Voronin, is not an employee of the company and has no connection with its business activities. “The fact that Voronin's name is mentioned in the campaign launched against us shows this is political settling of accounts with the former head of state and his relatives,” Angela Shcherbina said. According to the statement, the bar on Ciocarlie St was set up legally, under the decisions of the Chisinau Council and the relevant services of the City Hall. SRL Moldconstruct Market demands the right to reply in the mass media. However, Angela Shcherbina refused to talk to the journalists who came to the briefing. Angela Shcherbina did not say why the initial price of the plot that is located on Ciocarliei St was set in 2006 at 30 million lei, but was later decreased to 3 million lei. She also did not say why the bar was placed on a public road, but showed the contract for the lease of the plot on which the bar was set up, signed by the mayor. Recently, Mayor General of Chisinau Dorin Chirtoaca made public details about the luxurious quarter in which the Voronin family lives. It is situated in the perimeter of the streets Ciocarliei and Pietrarilor in Chisinau. According to Chirtoaca, in 1999-2006 four hectares of land located in the area were bought for derisory prices by five companies controlled by Oleg Voronin, including Moldconstruct Market, where Oleg Voronin worked as an economist, Metal Market, Comunicatii Service, Biotex Com and Comunicatii Confo. The mayor said the damage caused to the municipal budget as a result of those illegal transactions was assessed at over 100 million lei. Dorin Chirtoaca does not deny that he signed the contract for the lease of the plot, but said the contract provided nothing about the placement of the bar. The bar on Ciocarliei St was taken down by SRL Moldconstruct Market on June 8 in the evening, under a prescription issued by the police.