
MoD says youths don't shun army anymore


Young men aren't shunning military service anymore, while the physical condition of the recruits has improved from the previous years, Deputy Defense Minister Igor Malai stated at a news conference on Wednesday, Info-Prim Neo reports. According to him, 2,970 recruits were enrolled this spring into the Moldovan armed forces, including 1,360 into the National Army, 910 into the Carabineers Service, and 700 into the Border Guards Service. 600 other youths opted for alternative service. A third part of the recruits are from urban areas. “The youths enrolled in 2009 are much healthier, due to the fact that they undergo more serious medical examinations. Out of 1,360 recruits enrolled into the National Army, two percent were returned for additional examination and treatment”, MoD's chief doctor Sergiu Vasilita said. According to him, the most frequent sicknesses found in recruits are tuberculosis, hepatitis and disorders of the digestive system. He added that the sum spent on the daily ration for one soldier is 67.5-82.5 lei. Meals include backed foods, butter, milk, fish, meat, fruit and vegetables.