Mocanu-Plahotniuc scandal: who profits from it? Info-Prim Neo analysis
After a rather long period of speculation, the scandal caused by the unprecedented accusations made by former Vladimir Voronin's presidential adviser Sergiu Mocanu against businessman Vlad Plahotniuc has not been yet clarified. Mocanu said Plahotniuc was close to the Communist leader and influenced politicians from the present administration. In all probability things will not become clearer in the near future and we would again found ourselves in a black hole that absorbs the questions worrying society.
As a rule, in such cases when there are no conclusive proofs, the people wonder who profits from the situation. We can now put such a question as the effects of the scandal are generally evident. The general effect is that it mostly or fully replaced all the other important social issues, suddenly and definitely. Let's see who can profit from this change of setting.
[“The dock of the accused” changes composition]
Before the scandal, the major themes discussed in society and the press concerned the April 2009 events, mainly the accusations made against the former political, police and judicial elites for conduct that resulted in at least one death and dozens of persons maltreated in Chisinau's central square and at police stations, and the new authorities' inability or unwillingness to get at the truth.
Now the emphases have shifted. The topic of the April events is reduced to the new authorities' incapacity and/or unwillingness to successfully complete the investigation, in the context of the accusations of non-involvement and delaying of the inquiry into the information about Vlad Plahotniuc made public by Sergiu Mocanu. Former Minister of the Interior Papuc, General Police Commissioner Botnari, Chisinau police chief Gumenita, policeman Perju, who is accused of killing protester Valeriu Boboc, and Deputy Minister of the Interior Valentin Zubic are now in the background. The accusations of abuse of power made earlier against Vladimir Voronin have been also forgotten.
The people currently accuse only the present administration for the April 2009 events.
[“Demons” become “angels” and vice versa]
Earlier, the people and the press talked about cases of corruption, smuggling and traffic of influence involving representatives of the former Government and its mafia groups, including the meat and fish mafias; about the unprecedented case of tax evasion involving Oleg Voronin, and Vladimir Voronin's realty and movables; about corruption in the political system, the judiciary etc.
Now those “demons” became “angels” that no more have to justify and defend themselves. Instead, they obtained the possibility of criticizing the present administration, which is “demonized” for involvement in mafia, cigarette and drug smuggling schemes and other wrongdoings. The accusations are mainly based on its relations with Vlad Plahotniuc, who has influence on a part or all the leaders of the governing alliance and on the Prosecutor General. The former “angels” that were to free the country from mafia are “successfully” transformed into “demons”.
[Scandal instead of referendum]
The spread of the scandal practically coincided with the launch of the campaign for the September 5 constitutional referendum, or what it had to be as there was no true campaign in reality. The political players who campaigned in favor of the plebiscite, especially from the ruling alliance, actually replaced this campaign with a campaign for the presidential elections.
While the governing alliance was promoting future Presidents, the anti-referendum campaigners, especially of the PCRM, skilfully used the disclosures made by Mocanu against Plahotniuc, where the 'heads of state' play not at all attractive roles.
Thus, the scandal substituted greatly the campaign for the referendum and, as it turned out later, the constitutional referendum itself.
[“Heroic” or “cynical” (political) scenario?]
It is probably Vlad Plahotniuc who profits the most from this scandal. This personage who has been in the shadow for so many years so that the people knew not even how he looked became notorious. But this image promotion campaign could end with the destruction of this personage and, eventually, his property, if at least a part of the accusations are proved and the court passes a relevant final decision. As such a decision can objectively and subjectively appear in several years, the present campaign may turn out to be beneficial for the image of a new contender for a high-ranking position, eventually of head of state. A week or two ago, a Moldovan portal considered such a possibility and predicted that Plahotniuc might become President. Not long ago, a national court ruled in favor of Vlad Plahotniuc in a case of slander against Sergiu Mocanu in a short period of time, for objective or subjective reasons. We could have a real 'national hero' known by everyone, who might be the best candidate for the presidency.
It is not yet clear what advantages Sergiu Mocanu repeated from this scandal. We can highly appreciate his courage as such revelations can cost one life even in a country that is more stable than Moldova. Instead, he has the chance of returning to politics and playing more important roles after sinking his political career by becoming too close to the bearded man with two lungs (Iurie Rosca) and then to Vladimir Voronin. A presidential adviser is also a confidant of the President, as the personal driver for example.
The 'cynical' scenario must also be examine in political context. It generates additional questions that can help identify the profiteers. For example, why does Mocanu need such a long period of time to present the proofs, including to European organizations, as he promised lately? Do the cause and proofs or the show and its length count? Will this scandal affect the campaign for the legislative elections? Can we count on the proofs gathered from persons who are said to have cooperated fruitfully and actively with Vlad Plahotniuc, including Viorel and Victor Topa, in the 'heroic' scenario? What scenario the accusations of businesswoman Eugenia Duca, who was deprived of property by raid actions, jailed and involved in tens of trials during many years, form part of? These accusations are similar to those made by Sergiu Mocanu against Vlad Plohatniuc. They are as serious. But this time Eugenia Duca accuses the one who accused - Sergiu Mocanu.
[Mocanu - Plahotniuc scandal against the referendum – elections?]
It was earlier said that in order to win the 2005 elections and the second term in office as President, Vladimir Voronin imprisoned Valeriu Pasat and other persons. The image of corruption fighter is probably the most weighty for the voters, even if the 'fight' did not produce results.
Now they say that in order to win the 2010 elections, it is enough to 'release' one or several persons involved in a scandal...
[Valeriu Vasilica, Info-Prim Neo]