
Mobile phone carriers use 92% of allotted numbers


The carries in 2015 used 92% of the mobile phone numbers allotted to them by the National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology, up 3 percentage points on 2014. Thus, these used 5.6 million numbers of the 6.1 million allotted to them, IPN reports.

According to a press release of the Agency, of the over 1.7 million fixed phone numbers allotted by the Agency, there were used 1.2 million or 71.6%. This discrepancy in the use of the two types of phone numbers is due to the increasing demand for mobile telephony that provides a broader range of services, amid the decline in the demand for fixed phone services.

Of the 43 carries possessing numbering resources, 38 fulfilled their obligation to present reports on the use of numbering resources in 2015. The five providers that didn’t honor their obligations and three carriers that didn’t activate the allotted numbers within a year of the allotment will be penalized.

The carries by the end of 2015 were issued with over 7.9 million numbers. The numbers for public mobile telephone networks and services represented 77.41% of these, for landline 21.42%, while the other types of numbering resources – 1.17% together.