
Mobiasbancă supports EXCELLENCY of chess amateurs


Today, March 18, CB "Mobiasbanca - Groupe Societe Generale" S.A., has launched a social benefit to the city residents by arranging street furniture designed for chess game among amateurs.

At the moment, many Chisinau citizens practice chess on the benchess in the square between M.Eminescu theatre and Organ Hall.  By this initiative, Mobiasbanca supports this beautiful tradition, representative for the city center and wants to ensure modern conditions for amateurs practicing chess.

Chisinau City Hall supported this initiaive imidiately and authorized the installation of two furniture sets dedicated to the chess game, each consisting of a table with two chairs, lit at night by a photovoltaic panel  based on solar energy. 

The event was attended  by the main beneficiaries - Chisinau residents, chess amateurs, supported by referees and professional chess players of Municipal Chess Association, Chisinau Mayor, Dorin Chirtoaca, and bank employees. Amateurs had the opportunity to compete directly with professionals in blitz games, while the winners were awarded prizes by the bank with symbolic gifts.

Mobiasbanca’s President, CEO, Ridha Tekaia addressed the audience with a message: "All our social actions have continuity and logic correlation with the bank's commitment towards society and shared values, by following the principle of supporting the community in which we operate. In this project we took care to bring benefit to society - to create modern conditions for chess amateurs and protect the environment by using solar panels to provide illumination for chess tables by night. "

President of the Municipal Chess Association, Valeriu Coada, mentioned that he appreciats the involvement of the bank for supporting chess in Moldova and thus encouraged the younger generation to practice this noble game of logic.

Mayor of Chisinau, Dorin Chirtoaca who attended the event, thanked the bank's management for this welcome initiative and added that is a first step, motivator to continue refurbishments of the square.

In the same context, Mobiasbanca was the main partner of the chess tournament for children „V.Cebanenco Memorial – 2016”, held on March 11-12, and offered several sets of chess for school no.86 in Chisinau, which houses specialized chess sports school No. 7.

BC "Mobiasbanca - Groupe Société Générale” S.A., is a part of an international financial group and an active social actor within the society and the city, supporting many cultural, sportif and educational initiatives, including environment protection and promoting sustainable energy efficiency projects.