
MNA to inform the European bodies about the situation of “Antena C” and “Euro TV Chisinau”


The “Moldova Noastra” Alliance (MNA) will inform the Council of Europe and the European Union about the last events related to the reorganisation of the municipal radio and TV stations “Antena C” and “Euro TV Chisinau”. The leader of MNA, Serafim Urecheanu announced this at a press conference organised on December 18. He said that the procedures of reorganisation, alienation of the two institutions, and dismissal of the directors and suspension of the activity of Antena C show the “pitiable situation” in Moldova and the fact that the dictatorship is becoming more visible. Urecheanu considers that the actions against the two stations are promoted through the joint efforts of the communists and Christian-Democrats and aim at subordinating the municipal broadcasting stations. This fact was proved by the appointment of the interim directors: Rosca was given the TV station and Voronin took the radio station, the leader of MNA states. According to him, the decision on the alienation, the investment contest, fast change of the directors, suspension of the activity of “Antena C” and liquidation of the workplaces for the staff – all these actions from the authorities are a series of illegal and abusive stratagems. The only solution to this problem is to annul the abusive decisions, Urecheanu considers, urging the entire society to oppose the “antidemocratic steamroller of the red-orange coalition”. Speaking about the actions of the coalition, as concerns intensifying the derision of the citizens and of the young democracy, the AMN leader said that at one of next sittings of the Parliament, the issue concerning the suspension of the live broadcasting of Parliament’s sittings will be tackled, but also other restrictions will be introduced such as the Hour of the Government once in a month, limiting the right to questions. On December 14, the Municipal Council decided to announce an investment contest for the sale of “Euro TV” and “Antena C” and dismissed the two directors; and on the second day new directors were appointed. On Saturday, December 16 the transmission of “Antena C” was stopped, justifyed by technical failure. On the same day, in the evening, the police evacuated the employees of the stations because they received a phone call announcing the presence of a bomb in the building. Although nothing was found, the policemen put seals on the doors of the radio station.