
Misunderstandings between press publishers and Posta Moldovei


Moldovan press publishers are unhappy with the services supplied by Posta Moldovei. According to them, the poor quality of the distribution services jeopardizes the image of the period press, decreasing the number of readers, Info-Prim Neo reports. A number of newspaper managers say numerous are the cases when the newspapers reach subscribers late. According to journalists, newspaper circulation is dropping because of poor distribution, especially of the newspapers appearing on Mondays and Saturdays. The commercial manager of newspaper Timpul, Olesea Marcuta, told a sitting that the contract with Posta Moldovei envisages very many penalties for the media entity not honoring its duties, but there is no penalty for the distributor. “The distribution contracts are not negotiated with Posta Moldovei’s management, as the newspapers are distributed late, so that the daily turn into weeklies,” says Olesea Marcuta. In media’s opinion, as Posta Moldovei raised its charges as from September 1, it should also display better services. In her turn, an official with state-owned Posta Moldovei, Jana Cornovan, promises the company will try to solve the issues invoked by publishers, on condition they inform the post in written form. The president of the Independent Press Association, Petru Macovei, confirmed there were very many problems between press publishers and distributors because they do not like to talk together over the issues. A Moldovan newspaper averagely pays 30% of its income for the distribution.