
Minor children can travel accompanied by one parent without permission from the other


Children holding personal passports until the age of 18 can travel accompanied by one of their legal representatives without the consent of the other parent. The notarized consent of both legal representatives is required only in case of authorized emigration, with the application of appropriate entries in the passport. The clarification was made by the Border Police ahead of the Easter holidays, IPN reports.

According to the Border Police, it is important for parents to make sure that their children’s passport is valid. If minors travel abroad accompanied by authorized parents, a statement from the legal representative whose signature is notarized is required. The declaration shall indicate the purpose of the journey, its duration and the country of destination. The companion bears responsibility for the life and health of the minor. In the absence of legal representatives, within organized groups, the responsibility lies with the leaders of the groups, designated in the power of attorney.

Likewise, guardians are considered legal representatives. Guardianship is established over children who have not reached the age of 14 and trusteeship is established over children aged 14 to 18. The guardianship and trusteeship are granted by the local public authorities, based on the written opinion of the guardianship authority. When crossing the state border, border guards will ask to present the original guardianship document.

In this regard, when authenticating at the notary’s office the declaration of power of attorney of the companion, make sure that this person will come together with the minor, with the declaration and with the personal and minor’s travel documents, at the state border crossing point, on the mentioned date. These actions are necessary for the employees of the Border Police to verify the validity of the documents and, subsequently, to enter the corresponding entries into the database of the Integrated Information System of the Border Police.

In addition to guardianship and trusteeship, there are cases when minors with companions appear at state border crossing points, based on the Custody Order, under which crossing the state border cannot be authorized. Under the legal framework, parents are entitled to partially delegate their rights and obligations regarding the upbringing, care and education of the child to a custodian by submitting an application to the local guardianship authority. In this case, the parents remain to be the legal representatives of the child, and the custodian exercises the duties of legal representative of the child, according to the legislation.

Minor students who have reached the age of 14 and are enrolled in educational institutions in other states, upon leaving and entering the Republic of Moldova present the registration document at the respective educational institution and the statement issued by one of the parents, authenticated by the notary or other persons authorized by law with such position,  which contains his/her consent for the exit from and entry into the Republic of Moldova by the minor. There will be indicated the country of destination, the purpose of travel, the period of stay of the minor in the country of destination, and in the case of other legal representatives - their consent, expressed by the decision of the territorial guardianship authority. The declaration is valid for a period of one year of study.

Additional information on crossing the border with children can be seen in the travel conditions division on the official website of the Border Police. At the same time, citizens can call the Green Line of the Border Police (022 259 717) or write to the email address: linia.verde@border.gov.md.