
Ministry of Health and Social Protection became member of Executive Committee of WHO


According to the Minister of Health and Social Protection, Ion Ababii was elected as member of the Executive Committee of the World Health Organization. According to a press release of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, Ababii attended, together with other 53 health ministers, the 56th session of the Regional Committee for Europe of WHO, organized on September 11-14 in Copenhagen, Denmark. At the session there were elected two members for the vacant positions in the Executive Committee of WHO. 7 candidates were proposed. The candidature of Ion Ababii, proposed together with the one of the Great Britain was supported by the representatives of the member countries of the Regional Committee for Europe to WHO. The elected candidatures will be proposed for approval to the World Health Assembly, which will be organized in May 2007. At the reunion there were discussed such important issues as: the European strategy on combating non-infectious diseases, the budget projects of the activity program for 2008-2009 and of the medium term strategic plan for 2008-2013 of the Regional European Bureau of WHO, and others. The executive committee of WHO is composed of 34 members. The members of the committee are elected for a 3 year term. It is for the first time when Moldova is elected to such a position within WHO.