
Ministry of Education and Research announces priorities for 2023


47 titles of school textbooks, including 22 translated titles, will be edited to correspond to the current educational programs and the requirements of the time, announces the Ministry of Education and Research. In 2023, the Ministry intends to revise the financing mechanisms of educational institutions in all tiers, including the research department, in order to increase allocations and improve the quality of education, the Ministry said in a press release.

Another priority for 2023 is the development of informational systems, such as e-admission or the teacher reporting system, with the aim of reducing bureaucracy.

In general education, the funding coefficient per student in 260 educational institutions with teaching in the Russian language is to be revised.

In the coming months, the Ministry of Education and Research will invest in equipping over 60 digital laboratories with laptops, interactive whiteboards, furniture, etc.

Another intervention aims at the development of dual education, both in the vocational education system and in the university system. Dual education involves acquiring a profession simultaneously in vocational schools or centers of excellence and companies. In this area, the financing formula of the institutions will also be adjusted, investment will be made in the modernization of the material base and in the granting of incentives for teaching staff. Student stipends will also be increased.

In higher education, the interventions involve the correlation of study programs with the requirements of the labor market. Work is underway to develop an information system for the labor market, in cooperation with the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection. In April, an extensive study of the professional path of university graduates from the Republic of Moldova is to be completed.

Also, in 2023 the Ministry of Education and Research intends to adopt the National Program for inclusive education and the Program for teaching the Romanian language to national minorities.