
Ministry of Economy looks for intenser cooperation with unions


Economy Minister Valeriu Lazar calls on the trade unions to be more active in the dialogue with the government and to monitor public policies. Talking about the upcoming common actions of the Ministry of Economy and the trade unions, the official informed about the development of 4 regulations that will increase Moldova's attractiveness for investment and the competitiveness of companies, IPN reports.

One of the regulations concerns the deductibility of employee's transport and food expenses from the employer's funds, an amendment to the Tax Code that came into force on January 1, 2014. Another regulation is about the tax holiday of 180 days for imports of raw materials destined for export production. The other two regulations concern the tax exemption for the material contribution of founders to the social capital of companies and the development of training mechanism for employees of industrial companies.

Valeriu Lazar met with representatives of unions and told them that creating new jobs was one of the government's political goals. In this regard, private companies need favorable conditions for operation as they generate the most and the best paying jobs.