
Minister at General Assembly of Judges: Independence without responsibility is not possible


The Moldovan justice is looking for its way to efficiency and with many declarations and calls for independence, but independence without responsibility is not possible, Minister of Justice Veronica Mihailov-Moraru stated in the opening remarks at the General Assembly of Judges on Friday. The minister expressed her confidence that competent and honest judges can assume the mission of correctly administering justice in reasonable terms, in a friendly manner and in an independent manner, IPN reports.

The official noted that ensuring real access to justice is an essential principle that must be implemented by everyone. This means not only physical access to court buildings, but also access to the reasoned court decisions, which should meet of all the legal requirements, and also to the needs and questions of citizens. “These are difficult, maybe even tense times. The transparency of the justice system, meritocracy in filling positions, correct assessments and disciplinary procedures, where appropriate, are guarantees showing that the system is responsible,” said Veronica Mihailov-Moraru.

According to her, Moldova has a very clearly assumed objective – to join the European Union. “But without an independent, responsible and efficient judiciary, the country cannot reach the EU. The responsibility is enormous, but so are the opportunities. The member states and foreign partners contribute enormously to the essential transformations in all areas, even if these take place slowly, especially in the justice sector,” stated the minister.

Sergiu Caraman, interim president of the Superior Council of Magistracy said that today, the General Assembly of Judges has a unique opportunity to unite the professional community. “Let’s combine forces and firmly engage in promoting our common values. Let’s concentrate our efforts on ensuring justice accessible to all and protect fundamental rights, strengthening the rule of law principle in every aspect of our society,” said Sergiu Caraman.

In the General Assembly of Judges, the Superior Council of Magistracy presents a report on the organization and functioning of the judicial system in 2023. Also, a new member of the Superior Council of Magistracy is to be elected.

The General Assembly of Judges is attended by about 300 judges out of the 365 judges holding office.