
Minibus that collided with train near Bulboaca ran illegally


The vehicle that collided with a train near Bulboaca village on November 1 ran illegally on the Anenii Noi – Serpeni road and did not work according to the schedule set by the company to which the minibus belonged, Info-Prim Neo has learned from the Ministry of Transport and Road Infrastructure. “After the accident that happened near Bulboaca, the Ministry ordered the National Motor Transport Agency to open an inquiry. It was established that the Mercedes 308 D ran on the Anenii Noi-Serpeni road under work permits issued to the company I.I “Turcan N.V’’. “The vehicle was registered neither in the annex of the license of I.I “Turcan N.V’’ nor in the annexes of the licenses of other passenger carriers. Thus, the given vehicle ran illegally on the Anenii Noi-Serpeni road and earlier on the Chisinau-Serpeni road. It also did not respect the schedule set by the mentioned company for its routes,” says the communiqué. The Ministry will send the results of the inquiry to the Licensing Chamber so that the license of I.I “Turcan N.V’’ is withdrawn and a general investigation is opened into the activity of the Anenii Noi Bus Station. The Ministry of Transport and Road Infrastructure drafted a Road Transport Code in accordance with the European regulations and directives. Under it, there will be created a road traffic regulating authority that will deal with road safety issues. The draft Code was submitted for approval in August.