
Mihai Roscovan: PDM and PL will humiliate Vlad Filat in Parliament


In the March 5 sitting of Parliament, the Communist and Socialist lawmakers as well as the Democrats and the Liberals will try to teach Prime Minister Vlad Filat a public lesson, blaming him for all the government’s failures, including corruption, poverty, pace of reforms, and the economic crisis, considers Mihai Roscovan, former Deputy Minister of Economy and Reforms in the Sturza Cabinet (1998-1999). He stated for Info-Prim Neo that the Communist and Socialist MPs will criticize the Government because they want to return to power by all means. The expert in public administration said the Democratic and Liberal MPs, who hold important positions in state institutions, but were more witnesses to governance and didn’t initiate essential changes to de-monopolize the economy, improve the pension system and the transport infrastructure, which are the areas for which they were politically responsible, will blame Vlad Filat for the situation created in the areas managed by the Lib-Dems. These are: justice, public finances, internal affairs, agriculture, and healthcare, where reforms were started, but are implemented at a low pace. “The goal of this criticism is to humiliate Vlad Filat for the previous dismissals, including of the prosecutor general and First Deputy Speaker, for the withdrawal from the agreement on the formation of the AEI, and for his behavior, especially the inefficient communication with the government partners,” said Mihai Roscovan. He also said that the Government’s dismissal will cause serious damage to Moldova and its European integration prospects will become very unclear. After the dismissal, the technical assistance promised by the donors for implementing reforms and improving the quality of life will be frozen, delayed or even canceled. “Without a stable government, the talks on the Association Agreement and the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement cannot be closed. The European integration agenda of Moldova will be compromised. This will motivate the supporters of Eurasian integration to join forces,” stated Mihai Roscovan. On March 5, Parliament will examine the censurer motion against the Government put forward by the Communists. In Moldova’s history, only one Government was removed by censure motion – the Sturza Government. It was dismissed by the votes of the MPs of the Communist Party and the Christian-Democratic People’s Party.