
Mihai Popșoi: Relations between Moldova and Romania are closer than ever


“With Romania, the Republic of Moldova has an intense and effective communication at all levels. Today, as never before, the relations between the two states are closer and fuller of substance. Romania’s support is recognized and appreciated by all citizens of the Republic of Moldova, whether we are talking about the kindergartens built or renovated by Romania, about the bridges that connect their banks along the Prut, about energy interconnection projects, transport or assistance in the field of health, education, culture and much more”, stated Mihai Popșoi, Deputy Prime Minister/Minister of Foreign Affairs of Moldova, after a meeting today in Bucharest with his Romanian counterpart, Luminița Odobescu.

In a press conference held by the two officials, Mihai Popșoi declared that energy security is the foundation of security for a vulnerable state like Moldova. Romania’s support in energy interconnection, in the construction of high-voltage lines to connect Moldova to the Romanian and European grids helped our country break free from its decades-old dependence on Russian supplies. “Once we complete the interconnection with the high voltage line, this will not only allow the Republic of Moldova to stand firmly on its feet and be a truly energy independent country, but it will also provide the opportunity for the Republic of Moldova to support Ukraine as well, when it will need to either export or import energy”, said Mihai Popșoi.

Remarkable progress has also been made in the field of cross-border cooperation. “Infrastructure projects are the ones that gladden Moldovans the most, because they are the most tangible. We are talking about investments in roads or bridges, so that we can truly connect the two banks of the Prut and move on from the memory of bridges of flowers to building bridges of stone, bridges that cement our brotherly relationship”, said Mihai Popșoi.

“First of all, we pay attention to joint interconnection projects, especially those in energy and transport, essential areas in economic development and strengthening resilience. I want to emphasize that these projects are also vital for the European integration of the Republic of Moldova, which cannot be conceived without a well-articulated connection at the infrastructure level”, said Minister Luminița Odobescu, adding that Romania continues to intensify its firm support for Moldova for the benefit of all its citizens.

“We continue our commitment to strengthening the bilateral strategic partnership, so that we come to support the multiple and courageous efforts of our partners in Chisinau to ensure stability and guarantee the irreversible European course of the Republic of Moldova. I assured my colleague that I will continue to convey at the same sustained pace, in all the work formats in Brussels and in the diplomatic contacts I have with my colleagues, the importance of intensifying support for the European integration of the Republic of Moldova”, said the Romanian minister .