
Mihai Poalelungi: Politicians and media damage image of justice


The politicians and the mass media are accomplices to the formation of a bad image of the Moldovan justice, president of the Supreme Court of Justice Mihai Poalelungi said in the talk show “Pahomi” on Realitatea TV channel, IPN reports.

“The politicians shift the blame on justice so as to detach themselves. The speeches of many of the politicians are full of criticism leveled at justice, while the mass media disseminate these speeches. This way, a mistaken image of the judicial system was formed in society,” stated Mihai Poalelungi.

He considers that during the six years of his appointment as president of the Supreme Court of Justice, things have improved. “We made a jump as regards the quality of justice. The cases are distributed randomly and all the court hearings are recorded. Earlier, they said that huge sums of money had to be paid to reach a judge, but now such assertions are no longer made. The decline in the number of applications accepted by the ECHR speaks about the quality of our justice. Moldova is now not among the countries with the largest number of cases lost at the ECHR,” said the president of the Supreme Court of Justice.

Mihai Poalelungi also criticized the nongovernmental organizations. “Any reform initiative we put forward has been harshly criticized. They should submit initiatives themselves. It’s easier to criticize than to do something. They do the same in relation to the creation of anticorruption courts. We suggested such an initiative taking into account the fact that only 15% of the about 500 cases concerning corruption that are examined annually end with real detention convictions. It would be normal for 5-7 judges to specialize in such cases, given the current situation. But this initiative was also harshly criticized by civil society,” he stated.