
Mihai Petrache: Government system should be radically changed


The government system should be radically changed so as to overcome the current crisis. Restoring the direct election of the head of state, by the people’s vote, can be an element of this change, chairman of the Centrist Union Party of Moldova Mihai Petrache said the public debate “Which is the ‘lesser evil’ for the Republic of Moldova: unstable parliamentary majority, early elections, union, something else?”, which was the 49th installment of the series “Development of political culture by public debates”, staged by IPN in cooperation with Radio Moldova.

Mihai Petrache noted that the head of state should have mediation, representative and balancing powers, as earlier, and the right of veto on particular laws. The current situation in the country is the result of defective governance during the last 20 years. “We must remove the preconditions that allow the country not to be governed and nobody to bear responsibility for this turmoil that dominates in the country and generates corruption, thefts, nepotism, and prevents any other political force that promotes another idea from succeeding,” he stated.

The head of the Centrist Union of Moldova said the early parliamentary elections should be held on condition that the electoral system is modified. “I’m convinced that we need to institute the majority system with uninominal constituencies and to introduce the maybe less European right to dismiss the members of Parliament. In such a case, we will not need election thresholds and will be able to ensure broader representation of all the social and political segments in Parliament. This system does not prevent the parties from promoting their candidates in Parliament,” he stated.

Mihai Petrache considers the future government will have a short life, of three or five months. “This Government should become a kind of Santa Claus and should restore the people’s confidence by clear actions. It should clarify the banks frauds so that all those to blame are punished and should reestablish the relations with the IMF and the European partners,” he stated.

According to him, the idea of Moldova’s union with Romania could lead to the dismemberment of Moldova as a state. “In the situation in which Moldovan society is now, the attempt to force the unification process could lead to the discrediting of the idea as historical ideal and to the radical division of society as well as to the territorial fragmentation of the state,” said Mihai Petrache.

The debate “Which is the ‘lesser evil’ for the Republic of Moldova: unstable parliamentary majority, early elections, union, something else?” was the 49th installment of the series of debates “Development of political culture by public debate” that are held with the support of the Hanns Seidel Foundation.