
Mihai Mogîldea: Benefits of housing EPC Summit are larger than made investments


The authorities and opinion leaders of civil society should explain the advantages and benefits of holding the European Political Community Summit in the Republic of Moldova and the fact that these are much larger than the incurred costs, vice director of the Institute for European Policies and Reforms Mihai Mogîldea stated in a public debate staged by IPN.

“In the period ahead of this event, information about what the Republic of Moldova will obtain as a result of this summit, not only about the costs, should be disseminated as the benefits are much larger than the investments made to organize the summit and this should be explained and told by our officials as often as possible,” stated Mihai Mogîldea.

He considers the advantages of this meeting can be already felt by the inhabitants of Bulboaca and not only. “A number of actions were taken for the residents of the region close to Bulboaca village. Local roads and the railway were repaired. The people will benefit from this modernized infrastructure during many years after this summit. If society does not know that the investments in the summit are also investments for the people, they will consider that this event will be a gathering of state leaders, which does not bear relation to the people,” said Mihai Mogîldea.

There are particular subjects and problems that need to be addressed ahead of the summit so that they are also heard by the European leaders. “I think it is essential to discuss more the relationship between the Republic of Moldova and the EU and to underline the progress made by our country. It is important to know the stake and our expectations of this event. Such issues as telecommunications, transport, energy, security should be raised also during the period before the summit so that the people know the challenges we face and what we want to obtain from this format of discussions,” noted the vice director of the Institute for European Policies and Reforms.

In the same connection, Mihai Mogîldea said that the Republic of Moldova as a host country will lead the discussions at this event and “we are those who can include subjects that are of major interest for us as a country in the agenda”.

The public debate entitled European Political Community Summit, responsibilities and opportunities for civil society” was the second installment of IPN’s project “Support for European Integration by stimulating discussion in the mass media about the European Political Community (EPC) Summit” that is supported by Soros Foundation Moldova.