
MIA reform starts. Ana Revenco: We will reduce administrative posts


The General Inspectorate of Carabineers will disappear as a legal entity, while the carabineers will have almost the same prerogatives as the police officers in terms of maintenance of public order. Administrative posts in the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) will be liquidated so as to free personnel for nonexecutive posts. These are some of the objectives of the national police reform and were announced by Minister of Internal Affairs Ana Revenco. According to the official, the economic crisis and the war in Ukraine left the institution without employees. Many police officers choose to leave the Ministry in favor of a better-paid job, IPN reports.

The new national police reform is aimed at combining the forces of all the bodies that deal with the maintenance of public order. This way, the carabineers and police officers will work as a team to maintain public order in times of peace, while in times of siege or war will be transferred under the Ministry of Defense.

“In case of siege or war, all the forces are managed by the Ministry of Defense and work as a joint team. Nothing was changed here. The carabineers and the police today also have police duties in times of peace. In times of war, everyone obeys the Ministry of Defense. For the carabineers, we will strengthen the police work aspect in times of peace. Those who maintain public order will be brought under the same command. The carabineers will be merged with the team of the Public Security Inspectorate. The General Inspectorate of Carabineers will disappear as a distinct legal entity. We will optimize the administrative component and will reduce the administrative posts so as to free personnel for nonexecutive posts,” Ana Revenco stated in the program “Résumé with Ileana Pîrgaru” on RliveTV channel.

The minister noted the heavy workload and the economic crisis leave the MIA without employees as many police officers abandon their profession in favor of better-paid jobs abroad.

“The war generated multiple crises that overlap and exert enormous pressure on the internal affairs system. The colleagues work nonstop and this means tiredness. Among the factors that do our job unattractive are the inappropriate equipment, improper social package and the salary. Many choose to leave as they have to pay interest on loans and families to maintain. Many decide to suspend work or ask for long-term leave and look for other jobs, including outside the country,” stated the minister.

The official also said that discussions are held with the Ministry of Finance to identify resources to increase the salaries of MIA employees. Discussions are also held with the country’s development partners to obtain modern equipment for the Ministry’s personnel.