
MIA investigation proves innocence of policemen who beaten to death a convict


Those two policemen working at the Department for combating organized crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, accused by the prime-deputy general prosecutor, Valeriu Gurbulea of beating to death a convict from Pruncul prison are innocent. This is the conclusion of the investigation performed within the frameworks of MIA, Valentin Zubic, the deputy minister of Internal Affairs declares. On July 14, the Press Service of the General Prosecution Office announced that the convict Simion Miron, aged 48 died in the surgery section of Pruncul In the same day, in a declaration presented on the web site of MIA, is said that the minister started an internal investigation in this case of “premeditated murder”, occurred at Pruncul penitentiary. A month after the tragic incident, the deputy minister Zubic announced at a briefing the conclusion of the investigation: those two policemen are innocent. The representative of the Press Service of the General Prosecutor Office told Info-Prim Neo that “the service can not make any declarations without documentation”.