His Holiness the Metropolitan of Chisinau and All of Moldova Vladimir issued a Christmas message, saying that the beginning of the new year should revive faith, joy, peace, holiness, justice and truth among the people, IPN reports.
“In the calm and blessed holiday atmosphere, we are certain that God is with us, we have faith that our Heavenly Father hasn't abandoned us and that we can witness before all the peoples that the Law of Moses was given, but the grace and the truth came through Jesus Christ. The joy and light of knowledge, peace on earth and goodwill among people have been brought by the Son of God”, says the Metropolitan.
The message reads that God hasn't abandoned us, that He is and will be with us, among us, in our lives and families, in the community where we pray and work for the salvation of our souls.
“I assure you fatherly that in this year that has passed, our Holy Orthodox Church of Moldova fulfilled its holy, serving and redeeming mission, we pray fervently to His Son, Lord Jesus Christ to revive in our people the faith and joy, the peace and holiness, the justice and truth, so that the Holy Spirit will carry us to the heavens of light and redemption”, reads the message.