
Metropolitan Bishop Vladimir to MPs: Posts come and go, but those who do good remain in history


The Metropolitan Bishop of Chisinau and all Moldova, attending the April 27 meeting of Parliament on the occasion of the Easter holidays, called upon the MPs to be united, to work together for the people’s benefit and not to struggle between them. He noted that the posts come and go and only those who do good remain in history, IPN reports.

“We live in an Orthodox country. When Lent started, I called on the Christians to fast, to pray and to do good things. The Holy Bible says that faith without good deeds is dead. As the head of the Orthodox Church the 27th year already, I almost daily meet our Christians who tell me what they want from you too. It’s no news that they ask you, regardless of the parties you form part, to take care of them. Regretfully, it often happens that one party or another wants to work more, but all the parties together do not want this. The message is to join forces so as to go down in history as those who took care of the people in need, of the children, of the elderly,” said His Holiness Vladimir.

He noted that Moldova had many parties since the declaration of its independence. “We had parties with such names as ant, swallow, rooster and clock. Now we have in Parliament parties with contemporary and powerful names and we expect that you will take care of everyone. Do not struggle between you. Combine forces as time passes and nothing remains,” stated the Metropolitan Bishop, adding that during his trips he often speaks to Moldovans who are abroad and these say that they want very much to return home.

His Holiness Vladimir called on the MPs and the whole administration to come to the Metropolitan Cathedral in Chisinau on the Resurrection Night to take home holy fire that will be brought to Moldova from Jerusalem this year as well.