
Metropolitan Bishop of Bessarabia urges Christians to vote for future of country


His Eminence Petru, Metropolitan Bishop of Bessarabia, Archbishop of Chisinau and Exarch of the Territories, urges the Christians to exercise their right to vote on October 20 and show their concern for the future of the country. According to him, the people should fulfil their duty as citizens and vote in a double exercise that will mark the country’s course: the election of the President of the Republic of Moldova and the decision regarding the constitutional referendum. On this day, each vote counts, every awakened conscience has an important role in shaping the longed-for future, IPN reports.

“Participation in the life of the community, in the construction of the society in which we live is not only an act of civic responsibility, but also a fulfillment of our Christian calling to contribute to the common good. “Let all that you do be done with love” (1 Corinthians 16:14), Apostle Paul urges us, and nothing should be done carelessly or indifferently. Just as God endowed us with freedom, so He calls on us to use it in the service of goodness, truth, peace and justice,” the Metropolitan Bishop of Bessarabia noted.

According to His Eminence Petru, the vote is an expression of love for one’s neighbor, family, nation and Church. We vote not only for us, those of today, but also for our children and grandchildren, for the generations to come, to whom we leave as legacy both the values and the conditions in which they will live. A righteously organized country, guided by sound Christian principles, is a foundation on which we can raise our families and preserve our Romanian faith, tradition, culture and identity.

In the opinion of the Metropolitan Bishop, in the current times, Romania and the European space are landmarks for our course, both culturally and spiritually. Our belonging to the European space is more than a political or economic objective and involves the preservation and strengthening of our Romanian and European identity values.

The Archbishop of Chisinau and Exarch of the Territories says that each of us has a voice, and this voice can contribute to the transformation of society. Our calling, as authentic Christians, is to be actively involved in the life of the community, not to be indifferent to the fate of our fellow human beings and to the future of the country. He also says that Romania and Europe look at us – not only as political partners, but also as brothers - and this opportunity must be taken to reaffirm our unity of soul, through which we share the same view on the future.

“So, dear believers, on Sunday, October 20, we urge you to go to the polling stations with a clear conscience that you have done what is in your power for the good of the country, for its peace and prosperity. Regardless of your political options, the important thing is to participate, to express your choice and to contribute to the common good,” noted the Metropolitan Bishop of Bessarabia.