
Men arrested for trafficking in drugs


The police arrested two men who illegally sold narcotic substances. Recently, one of these was released from jail after serving time for trafficking in drugs, IPN reports.

According to the General Police Inspectorate, one of the men aged 34 continued his illegal trade in drugs while in jail. Through mobile phones and social networking sites, this organized the smuggling of drugs into Moldova and coordinated the actions of a Moldovan supplier who settled in Turkey, the conveyor and the contact person who received the camouflaged drugs.

The police established that the drugs were transported to Moldova hidden in vehicles through border crossing points of Turkey, Bulgaria and Romania and then through the Giurgiulesti customs post. Later they were stored in a garage rented in Vulcanesti town.

The person who received the ‘parcel’ divided the drugs into smaller quantities, carried them to Chisinau municipality and stored them in secret places. The address of these places was sent through mobile phone messages after the asked amounts of money were transmitted. This way the drugs reached the buyers.

The suspects face 7 to 15 years in jail.