
Meet the candidates in your constituency! № 50: west of the Republic of Moldova


In circumscription № 50: west of the Republic of Moldova, 85 polling stations will be opened in 22 states: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece, Switzerland, Estonia, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, United Kingdom, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and Hungary. The voters may cast their votes at polling stations 50 / 1-50 / 85. The candidate who accumulates the largest number of votes, regardless of the voter turnout, will be declared winner of the uninominal constituency.

The first on the ballot list is the National Liberal Party candidate, Vitalia Pavlicenco. She is a doctor of philology, professor of French language and literature and previously held an MP seat. She is the chairwoman of the PNL. According to the income statement submitted to the electoral bodies, Vitalia Pavlicenco's family has accumulated about 209 thousand lei from didactic activity and another 306 thousand lei from pensions, between 2017 and 2018. The family owns an apartment, a lot of land in the outskirts and a car.

Second on the ballot list is the ACUM Electoral Bloc DA PAS candidate, Galina Sajin, who is a journalist by profession. She lives in Italy for almost 15 years. In her income statement, Galina Sajin declares that between January 1, 2017 and December 31, 2018 she had almost 29 thousand euros income from the family assistant activity carried out abroad. The candidate owns two urban lots of land, purchased in 2003, and a dwelling house, purchased in 2009.

The third candidate on the ballot list is the independent Ion Dron. He is currently working as a lawyer. He is the chairman of the Public Association "Center for Initiatives and Monitoring of Public Authorities". Between 2017 and 2018, his family declared over 515 thousand lei salary income and over 256 thousand lei from pension and other income sources. The family owns an apartment and two cars. The candidate's current bank account holds over 33 thousand lei and 1600 euros.

The fourth on the ballot list is the independent candidate Carolina Panico, lawyer, currently working at Pretura Botanica, Chișinău municipality. According to her income statement, Carolina Panico held 4 functions between January 1, 2017 and December 31, 2018, from which she accumulated almost 162 thousand lei in salaries. Carolina Panico owns a car, manufactured in 2004.

Fifth on the list is the Party of National Unity candidate, Dorin Duşciac. He is a research engineer and physicist by profession. He is currently working at an atomic energy commission in France. Between 2014 and 2015, he was deputy minister of the Environment. The candidate's family had revenues of almost 110 thousand euros between January 1, 2017 and December 31, 2018. The family owns two apartments acquired in 2012 and a car.

Sixth on the ballot list is the independent candidate Vasile Calmaţui, who is an engineer. He lives in France since 1993. According to Vasile Calmaţui's income statement, between January 1, 2017 and December 31, 2018, he had an income from salary of three thousand euros. He has 20 thousand lei and 7500 euros in interest gains from bank deposits. The candidate inherited four agricultural lands, a construction land and a fruit-growing plot. Additionally, he inherited a house and an apartment. Another apartment was donated to him.

The seventh position on the ballot list is held by the independent candidate Valentin Haraz. He is a mechanical engineer by profession, currently working as a specialist in public procurement at the Moldavian Post Office. Between January 1, 2017 and December 31, 2018, he had an income of over 160 thousand lei from salary. Valentin Haraz has in possession two lots of land, a dwelling house and a car, purchased in 2017.

Eighth on the list is the Romanian People's Party candidate, Anatolie Ursu. The candidate is licensed in international relations. According to his income statement, in 2017 and 2018 he had no job, no salary income and nothing in his property.

The ninth on the ballot list is the independent candidate and lawyer Ilie Rotaru, lawyer. According to his income statement, the candidate's family had an income of 120 thousand lei from pensions over the course of the January 1, 2017 - December 31, 2018 period. The candidate is a shareholder at JSC "Gemeni". He owns neither a car nor an apartment.

The tenth on the Liberal Democratic Party candidate and Romanian language and literature teacher, Iurie Bojoncă. He is an associate editor at Louco "Comune" magazine and at "Limba română" in Italy. Between 2017 and 2018, the family's income amounted to almost 37 thousand euros. The family owns two lots of land, an apartment and two cars.

The eleventh is the Party of the European Left candidate and lawyer, Alexandr Roşco. He is the first vice chairman of the party. According to his income statement, between 2017 and 2018 he had no job and no income. The candidate declares that has own no property.

On October 20, 2019, new parliamentary elections are held in four constituencies: no.17, 33, 48 and 50. Previously, Maia Sandu held the 50th constituency MP seat, after winning 80% of the vote in the February 24, 2019 parliamentary election. Maia Sandu became prime minister in June, following the formation of a governing coalition with PSRM.