
Media NGOs condemn appointment of new MIR director


Media nongovernmental organizations of Moldova consider the October 12 Cabinet decision to dismiss Ion Terguta from the post of director of the Teleradio Company MIR in Moldova is a reaction to the criticism leveled by the journalist against the current government. In a statement, the NGOs express their concern about the decision to propose Valeriu Renita, former spokesman of ex-President Vladimir Voronin, to the MIR Board of Directors for being appointed to this post, IPN reports.

“Form our viewpoint, this appointment forms part of the current government’s strategy aimed at subduing as many media outlets as possible and at transforming them into the ‘speaking trumpet’ of the power, contributing to greater media concentration. Persons in the antechamber of the president of MIR Company R.I. Batyrshin told us that the institution does not possess information about the dismissal of Ion Terguta,” reads the statement.

The signatories call on the Cabinet to review its October 12 decision. According to them, MIR broadcasts round-the-clock on the territory of most of the countries in the CIS, covering millions of TV viewers. That’s why it is very important for the channel to correctly and equidistantly reflect the reality in Moldova.

The signatories warn the administration of MIR that the Cabinet’s decision to remove journalist Ion Terguta from the post of director of the Company in Moldova is an act of injustice based not on professionalism-related reasons, but on the rulers’ goal to subdue the press.

Among the signatories of the statement are the Independent Journalism Center, the Association of Independent Press, the Electronic Press Association, “Acces-Info” Center, the Journalistic Investigations Center, and the Association of Independent Telejournalists.