
Media experts analyze possibilities of attracting investments


Representatives of national legislative and executive bodies and foreign experts in the mass media and film production from seven states took part in the first international conference organized by the Association for Development and Cooperation on the issue of attraction of foreign investment to the media space of the Republic of Moldova. Attending the event, Speaker of Parliament Andrian Candu said a working group was constituted this year with EU support to develop the national legislation on the mass media, IPN reports.

“When we speak about the mass media in Moldova, subjects related to the challenges faced in the media sector emerge. Parliament realizes these problems and therefore set up a working group this July, together with civil society and media experts, to deal with the development of the mass media legislation,” stated the Speaker, noting that the working group discusses a new Audiovisual Code, a new law on the press and the online press.

Media expert Filip Slavkovic, of Deutsche Welle, spoke about the advanced technologies on the European media market. He said that through social networking websites, young people younger than 29 daily receive the most important news of the day on mobile devices. The digital economies are not sufficiently known in the Republic of Moldova and in the region, but these can be a future for small businesses in the whole region. An increasing number of users of information look for recreation news though communication platforms, which are used for video and photo exchanges between media companies and their users. The news items are sent to mobile devices through the agency of media robots and the companies in Germany started to provide swift solutions that can develop programs to create media robots.

Victoria Yarmoshchuk, executive director of the Ukrainian Motion Picture Association, noted that if the Republic of Moldova wants to attract investment into the field, it should communicate the achieved results to the world. She gave the example of Ukraine, which promotes the results obtained in cinematography. Thus, the films in Ukraine are presented at all the international festivals and the Ukrainian products are thus sold very well in the world. This year, three Ukrainian films have been nominated for Oscar, in the Best Foreign Language Film section.

The Ukrainian expert said a country that wants to have a solid media industry should use all the existent instruments. A radical change to the better in the media products in Ukraine was witnessed after the broadcasting of Russian media products on the territory of Ukraine was banned. Victoria Yarmoshchuk specified that during the last four years Ukraine developed considerably its media market, from 47% to over 70%.