
Mayor requests municipal services to clean city before Annual Fete


The interim Mayor of Chisinau asked the specialized municipal services to clean Chisinau City before its Annual Fete, which will be celebrated in less than one week. According to City Hall’s PR Department, Ursu ordered to the specialized services, district mayors and to the mayors of the cities and communes included in the composition of the municipality of Chisinau to clean “as fast as possible” the unauthorized garbage and to fit up the authorized ones, to construct “bio-thermal hollows”. At the same time, disinfection and cleaning works in public institutions will be performed. All civil servants are obliged to report to the veterinary services about the death of wild birds or domestic birds’ mass death. The interim Mayor ordered to the heads of municipal services “to supply the population with high quality drinking water”. This problem, must be solved by expanding aqueduct and sewerage networks and by “prohibiting commercialization with agro-alimentary products in unauthorized places”. In this respect JSC “Apa-Canal” together with the district mayors, will examine decentralized water supply sources and until November 1 will present to the City Hall proposals on their management method. Ursu suggested to local councils to include financial sources in the budget for the next year destined to cleaning and fitting up the localities included in the composition of the municipality of Chisinau