
Mayor of Truşeni and other functionaries arrested on corruption charges


The mayor of Truşeni commune, the chief architect, the former head of the municipal enterprise of the mayor’s office and a businessman are investigated for passive and active corruption and influence peddling following a cases of bribery for issuing permissive documents for legalizing a building, IPN reports.

According to the National Anticorruption Center, there were identified a number of cases of asking of money from business entities and private individuals for issuing urbanism certificates for construction works and other documents for legalizing real estate. The functionaries asked for sums varying between €500 and €1,000 and also for tangible assets, such as lots of land, for issuing permissive documents.

There was also documented an attempt to appropriate property belonging to a 73-year-old woman living in Trușeni.

If they are found guilty, the four face maximum jail terms of ten years.

Contacted by IPN for a comment, secretary of the local council Margareta Burduja said that she is not empowered to make statements on the issue. The local council hasn’t met to assess the created situation. No councilor filed a written application in this regard for now. The council convenes at the request of the mayor or of at least one third of the councilors.