
Maxim Masiutin received a double diploma with a degree in cybersecurity within the LMPI international mobility program between the universities of Moldova and Greece


Maxim Masiutin received a double diploma with a degree in cybersecurity within the LMPI international mobility program between the universities of Moldova and Greece

Panos Yannakopoulos, the Program Coordinator of the Cybersecurity Double Degree Program on behalf of LMPI from the University of Western Attica (UNIWA), Greece, recently visited Chisinau with the aim of improving the program and promoting international academic cooperation and joint research in the field of cybersecurity.

During the visit, the official awarded Masiutin Maxim with a master's degree in the field of cybersecurity, which Maxim obtained during his studies at the Technical University of Moldova (UTM) and the University of Western Attica, with the physical presence in Greece as part of Erasmus+ international mobility of LMPI from April 11 to July 11, 2022, with the entire course was online for 2 semesters in Greece in parallel with the studies in Moldova at the UTM.

Dumitru Ciorbă, dean of Computers, Informatics and Microelectronics of the Technical University of Moldova (UTM), and Rodica Bulai, head of the Information Security program at UTM, were present at the ceremony and jointly granted the double diploma to the master's graduate.

LMPI ("licence master professionnel en protection informatique" (fr)) is a global project of Erasmus+, a program of the European Commission for Education that promotes international mobility and collaboration of students and teachers in the field of information security. The agreement between the universities (UNIWA and UTM) on the double diploma program in cyber security was signed on December 7, 2018.

While receiving the diploma, Maxim Masiutin emphasized that the university library of UNIWA is of immense value because it subscribes to thousands of scientific journals from publishers such as Elsevier, Springer, etc., facilitating the academic activities of scholars, making an outstanding contribution to scientific research. Without access to all the scientific articles, it is almost impossible to conduct valuable research and publish in peer-reviewed scientific journals, give useful speeches at international conferences or file possible patent applications to register inventions in the field.

During his stay in Greece, Maxim Masiutin also shared his experience with first-year students. One of the examples is a master class on "Introduction to Penetration Testing and CTF Competitions". The most challenging part of the program was the defense of the master's thesis on July 7 in front of a commission made up of university professors from Greece.