
Materials teaching how to prevent accidents to children distributed by public health centers


The local public health centers in April will receive about 100,000 copies of the Guidebook for Parents that is intended for the parents who want to ensure a danger-free home for their children. The book contains information about the risks to which the children are exposed in the home and a wide range of methods of preventing home accidents, including poisoning, burns, choking and drowning, IPN reports.

Thus, the public health centers of the country will become centers of resources on the prevention of accidents to children in the home. Throughout 2016, these will also receive other materials for parents, students and specialists designed within the Regionalization of Pediatric Emergency and Intensive Care Services in the Republic of Moldova Project (REPEMOL).

The informative materials will be afterward distributed to family doctors’ centers, health offices, community social assistants and education institutions when training and education activities will be staged for the population. The activities will be intended for pregnant women, children aged between 0 and 5 and their legal representatives.

This mechanism for distributing informative materials to communities was agreed in a working meeting with specialists from the public health, healthcare and social assistance sectors, which was organized within the REPEMOL Project. The participants reached the conclusion that this will be the most efficient mechanism for disseminating information to the population.

REPEMOL manager Silvia Morgoci said the public health centers have the task of promoting health among the population and this is why such an approach is the most justified. “Any partner from the community can come and ask for materials, based on an application, from district or municipal public health centers so as to be able to carry out information activities for the population. Now the necessary materials will be provided by the REPEMOL Project, which is interested in increasing the people’s awareness of how accidents to children can be prevented,” stated Silvia Morgoci.

Since 2009, the Regionalization of Pediatric Emergency and Intensive Care Services in the Republic of Moldova Project, in cooperation with the authorities, has informed parents about how to prevent home accidents involving children younger than five within the campaign “A danger-free home for your child” as well as road accidents. Information about how to protect the child in different situations can be found at www.parinti.md. The REPEMOL project is financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and is implemented by the Center for Health Policies and Services.