
March for Life to be staged in Chisinau


A Month for Life will be held in Moldova on March 1–31, 2016. This will end with a March for Life on March 26. Nadejda Usatyi, head of the Association “Moldova for Life”, which initiated the campaign, said the message of this year’s theme “For life, for woman, for family” is that the good of the pregnant woman is not opposed to the good of the child she carries and they build each other, while the family and the state gain if they support the women during pregnancy, in general, and the women in pregnancy crisis in particular, IPN reports.

By these events, the organizers aim to draw attention to the fact that the ratio of abortions to newborns in Moldova in 2012 was 37:100. Thus, Moldova is among the countries with the highest abortion rate, which in our country is three times higher than in such countries as Austria, Belgium, Germany, France, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. Based on the number of abortions recorded in hospitals alone, Moldova ranks 11th in the world by the ratio of abortion to the population, with a rate of 51.6%.

Nadejda Usatyi said the March for Life is not designed to condemn those who had an abortion or to judge the parents scared by lack of safety, who chose to live without the child because this will cause them problems or because they cannot create optimal condition for him/her. “To be against abortion without offering the woman the support she needs to give birth to a child is hypocritical and inefficient. Who cares about the child, cares about the mother too and does everything possible to help her,” she stated.

The March for Life is apolitical and nonreligious, but is open to all the denominations and political parties. Information provided by local organizers will be available on the website www.marsulpentruviata.md. Similar events are to be staged in over 20 communities of the country.

In Chisinau, the march starts at 12 noon at the Municipal Clinic Hospital No.1 (20 Melestiu St). The column will go along the Viaduct, Ciuflea St, Stefan cel Mare si Sfant Blvd and will stop in the Square of the Metropolitan Cathedral, where a charity concert entitled “Live for Life” will be given at 1:30pm.