
Many bottles of wine sold in Russia contained only 10% of wine and the rest of water – expert


Very many bottles of wine sold in the Russian Federation, produced out of raw Moldovan wines included only 10% of wine and the rest – water, declared for Info-Prim Neo the economist Veaceslav Ionita. The expert says that this situation could have influenced the decision of the Russian authorities to halt the Moldovan wine imports. He specified though this is a quality problem not a sanitary security one. The quoted source mentions that this is exclusively the problem of the Russian economic agents, because the wines were produced by Russian economic agents out of the Moldovan raw wines. Ionita says that even if the economic agents have the right to sell wine of 5% they are obliged though to right on the label the quantity of wine as it is written on juice – “how much water and how much juice”. “The Russian entrepreneurs claimed to sell 100% wine, when the real percentage was of 10”, added Ionita. The economist did not deny the fact that on The Russian could have been introduced forged wines, mentioning that, both Moldova and Russia did not offer “normal regulations” of functioning. “The system allowed selling everything one wants to and now it does not, so the economic agents will be constrained to work normally”, underlined the quoted source. Moldova must change the position of its wines: from cheap wines and of feeble quality – to expensive and qualitative wines, it must adopt a law that would stipulate the quality minimum ensured by the state and to oblige all the economic agents to comply with this standards, added Veaceslav Ionita. Yearly in theRussian Federation were exported wines amounting to about 200 million USD. Of the exported volume, only 50% were bottled wines the rest was raw wine, transported in tanks.