
Man from Cimislia beats his horse to death


A horse was maltreated by the owner until this died near a forest in Cimislia district. The case was reported by environment inspectors who discovered the horse during actions to combat poaching in Cimislia district, IPN reports.

When the inspectors inquired what happened, the horse owner said this is his animal and he can do what he wants with him. Representatives of the sanitary veterinary agency were called to the scene to deal with this case.

Under the Contravention Code, the man who is suspected of beating the animal to death faces a fine of up to 800 lei or 40 to 60 hours of community service.

According to animal welfare NGOs, even if the Moldovan legislation provides for punishment for acts of cruelty towards animals, the law enforcement agencies do not take measures to punish the wrongdoers. These consider the authorities should make the penalties harsher, as in other countries, where the fines for use of violence against animals vary between US$5,000 and US$8,000 and jail terms are also envisioned.