
Majority of those who left abroad are in Russia and Italy


About a half of the men who left abroad to work are in Russia, and 29% of women- in Italy, the data from the survey “Situation of the children left without parental care as result of migration”, conducted by UNICEF attests. Italy is the second destination country for men (about 10%), and Russia – for women (more than 24%). According to the data of the survey, 40% of the fathers and 30% of the mothers who emigrated left the country during 2006. The telephone and parcels are the main means of communication between children and migrant parents. 44% of the questioned children stated that they speak with their parents 2 or 3 times per week. Every 8th respondent child speaks daily with the parents who left and 25 % of the children – once a week. The study has been operated in 3 communities from different geographic zones of Moldova. 231 persons participated in the survey.