
Main Objective of PDSM is to Make Moldova Competitive


The main objective of the recently created Social Democracy Party (PDSM), is to make Moldova a competitive country, not only economically but also socially and from external point of view, declared on Wednesday, April 19, Dumitru Braghis, the chairman of the Party. According to Braghis, the development of the economy is considered by PDSM a priority, the basic task is achieving advanced economical growth rhythms. “We opt for bringing about a maximum liberalization and economic openness, for intensifying the infrastructure construction activities and allowing the private capital to develop the key economical areas. We are convinced that the national economy can become more competitive only if integrated in the international economic processes”, declared Braghis. Referring to the foreign affairs of the Republic of Moldova, Braghis said the Party he leads considers necessary to quit on the present foreign affairs concept which is based on the confrontation of the powerful country’s interests in the Republic of Moldova. Moldova didn’t yet obtain anything in relations with the West, but disturbed the relations with the East, said Braghis, and PDSM is ready to propose a foreign affairs concept based on a good quality combination of the East and West interests for the benefit of the country and its citizens. Speaking about the Transnistrian dispute, PDSM is the adept of a fast, correct and peaceful settlement. The situation was not yet exceeded and the negotiation process between Chisinau and Tiraspol didn’t yield positive results, said the quoted source. PDSM will propose its own settlement program including four basic stages that can be implemented in four years: Elaboration of the economic development program of the Republic of Moldova that will include economic reintegration, creating a unique economic and financial space; Spiritual-cultural reintegration, creating a unique educational, cultural and informational space; Juridical reintegration, creating a joint legislative base; Political reintegration, approaching the political elites, uniting the political parties and forming a unique electoral system. The Constituting Congress of the Party took place on April 15 and as president of the Party has been elected Dumitru Braghis. According to the leadership of the Party, there are 9 thousands requests of joining PDSM.