
Main currents of presidential elections 2016, analysis


Political analyst Igor Botan, in an analysis published on the portal alegeri.md, says that regardless of the number of candidates for President that will be registered, the messages of these for the people can be classified into five major currents that are more or less intercalated, IPN reports.

These currents are: unionist pro-Romanian; governmental pro-European; alternative pro-European; pro-Eurasian and of one decree. The analyst noted that all the five currents center on the overcoming of the crisis faced by Moldova during the last two years. The difference resides in the methods suggested for overcoming this.

Speaking about each current apart, Igor Botan said the unionist current pleads for Moldova’s reunion with Romania based on the historical right and international right, by the example of Germany, which reunited in 1990. The supporters of this current consider this is embraced by at least 30% of the voters.

The governmental pro-European current pleads the cause of Moldova’s European integration and considers the implementation of the Moldovan-EU Association Agreement a priority, while the submission of an application for membership in the EU in 2019 realistic.

The alternative pro-European current pleads the cause of the European integration, insists on the consolidation of state institutions and their freeing from the capacity of oligarchs and relies on the protest movement and the large segments of the population affected by the crisis caused by the banking frauds. 

The pro-Eurasian current pleads for rebuilding the relations of cooperation between Moldova and Russia and the Economic Union. Its supporters consider the Moldova–EU Association Agreement was negotiated improperly and plead for a federalization model that would guarantee the independence and sovereignty of the Republic of Moldova and would diminish the separatist trends and dangers. Igor Botan considers this current enjoys the support of the relative majority of Moldova’s population, especially the national minorities and “Moldovenists”, which is a segment of the native population for whom the difference between Moldovans and Romanians is key.

The current of one decree is the most original one. This disseminates the idea that the Head of State that will be chosen by direct vote in the October 30 elections must be the President of one decree. The election campaign is to be carried out so that the elected President has the people’s mandate to dissolve Parliament and to call early parliamentary elections.

The analyst anticipates that a large part of the 23 potential candidates, especially the independent ones who do not enjoy the support of parties, will be unable to collect the minimum 15,000 signatures needed to be registered as electoral competitors.