
Maia Sandu provides details about ‘her conditions’


The Liberal Democratic Party’s candidate for Prime Minister Maia Sandu said she didn’t ask to form the Cabinet herself, as the press reported. Maia Sandu provided details over this on her Facebook page, IPN reports.

“As there are different interpretations of ‘my conditions’ for accepting the nomination for premiership, I want to specify the following: 1) I don’t ask to form the Cabinet myself. I realize that it is the parties’ right to field candidates according to the signed agreement. I yet think that I must be allowed to pronounce on the composition,” wrote Maia Sandu.

She said that she cannot assume responsibility for the economic and financial policy of the state and to be sure that she will be able to implement all the measures needed for obtaining a program with the IMF until the Government does not have a reliable partner at the National Bank. “The events of the last few months showed that we cannot be sure that the current administration of the Bank does its utmost to ensure the integrity and stability of the banking system,” wrote Maia Sandu.

He noted that during the first days of work, the new Government will have to propose an anti-crisis plan of measures that will envision the significant diminution of public costs. It is evident that at least in the short term these measures will not contribute to increasing the living standards of the population. “To be bold enough to ask the population to support us to overcome this situation, which is a direct consequence of the theft committed in the banking system, we must at least transmit a clear signal that the state institutions, whose task is to prevent such illegalities, are penalized,” stated Maia Sandu.

She added she asked that before initiating discussions with the MPs, she should have a meeting with the leaders of the parties, which will involve the development partners, so as to be sure that they have the same agreements and the same commitment as regards the actions that must be taken to unblock the foreign financing, and to familiarize them with the aforementioned requests.

The Liberal Democratic Party announced that acting minister of education Maia Sandu is the party’s candidate for premiership. The candidate hasn’t been presented officially yet and Maia Sandu didn’t present herself at the head office of the Democratic Party this Thursday and Friday and didn’t meet with the Liberal Party’s administration for consultations either. In a TV program, the Liberal leader said Maia Sandu cannot ask whatever she wants and the Liberal Party may ultimately refuse to vote her Prime Minister.