
Maia Sandu: Navalny’s death confirms for the umpteenth time that the Kremlin regime is afraid of its people


President Maia Sandu said the death of Alexei Navalny in an Arctic Circle jail is a new tragedy that confirms for the umpteenth time that the Kremlin regime is afraid of its people, is afraid of democracy. “Currently, Russia is a country in which freedom fighters no longer get to live,” noted the official, being quoted by IPN.

President Sandu said that a regime that kills people who have a differing opinion is the opposite of what the authorities in Chisinau want. “We want Moldova to be a country where people have the right to think, speak and live without fear in peace and democracy. Our choice is to build such a state and become part of the European Union, where human rights are respected and every life matters,” stated the official.

President Maia Sandu noted that she stands by Alexei Navalny’s family. “Our thoughts go to Alexei Navalny’s family, to all the freethinking Russians who know the value of democracy, and to those who bravely fight for freedom and human rights in Russia or anywhere else in the world, forced to leave because of the Kremlin regime. We should never give up fighting for freedom, for life and for the values we believe in,” stressed the head of state.

The authorities in the Russian Federation on Friday announced the death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny in a penitentiary in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, where he was being held. Russia’s Federal Penitentiary Service said that he felt unwell after a walk.