
Maia Sandu: Leaders of PDM and PL didn’t have courage to say ‘no’ to my conditions


“The leaders of the PDM and PL didn’t want to meet with me because they didn’t have courage to say ‘no’ to my conditions,” ex-minister of education Maia Sandu said in the program “In Depth” on Pro TV Chisinau channel, IPN reports.

“I considered that particular things should be discussed and solved. I wanted to have a meeting with the leaders of the two parties before my official nomination as Premier. The two didn’t want to. My nomination was made public by Marian Lupu, even if another agreement was reached. I spoke with Speaker Andrian Candu. He promised me he will organize a meeting, but the next day he told me that Mihai Ghimpu does not want to meet with me and the PDM will therefore also not have a meeting with me,” stated Sandu.

She noted that she put forward three conditions for accepting the post of Premier, which were discussed inside the PLDM. “First of all, I asked that my team of ministers should include professionals with integrity. I think any party can field such persons. Secondly, I asked replacing the administration of the National Bank. To unblock the relations with the foreign donors, we must meet a number of conditions, some of which are within the competence of the National Bank. The Government does not have leverage. I earlier tried to discuss with the National Bank governor Dorin Dragutanu, who reproached me and told me not to put questions as the central bank is an independent institution. There are three persons who could successfully serve as governor. The third condition was that about the European prosecutor. I think this mission could have been carried out by a prosecutor from Romania, who has experience in implementing reforms,” stated the ex-minister.

Maia Sandu confirmed Prime Minister Valeriu Strelet’s assertion that the PLDM tried to convince her to give up her conditions. “We had very difficult discussions inside the party. They tried to convince me that my conditions would be fulfilled later. But I could not assume responsibility for governance without having a reliable partner in the National Bank. I was realistic and I knew that there were slim chances for my conditions to be accepted,” she said.

She also said that she hasn’t yet decided whether to remain in politics or not.