
Maia Sandu is politician who enjoys greatest trust, IRI poll


President Maia Sandu is the political personality who enjoys the greatest trust among the citizens. She was mentioned by 20% of the respondents of an opinion poll that was presented by the International Republic Institute (IRI) in the Republic of Moldova. Sandu is followed by ex-President Igor Dodon with 15% and mayor of Chisinau Ion Ceban with over 8%, IPN reports.

Among the trusted politicians are also the leader of the Party of Communists Vladimir Voronin with 7%, the leader of Șor Party Ilan Șor, Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu and Prime Minster Natalia Gavrilița with 5% each. Also, 9% said they do not trust anyone, while almost 50% didn’t know or didn’t answer this open question.

If parliamentary elections were held next Sunday, only two parties would enter Parliament. 21% would vote for the Party of Acton and Solidarity, while 13% for the Party of Socialists. 4% of those interviewed would vote for Șor Party, while 3% for the Party of Communists. The Civic Congress Party, the Democratic Party and the Party “Dignity and Truth Platform” would be each voted by 1% of the respondents.

The data were collected all over the Republic of Moldova, except for the Transnistrian region, during February 9 – March 30, by telephone interviews. The interviews on the main sample were finished on March 21, while the additional interviews involving young people (18-35 years) were completed on March 30, 2022. Field work was hampered by the war that broke out in Ukraine and by the delays of data collection teams. The main sample consisted of 1,306 permanent residents of the Republic of Moldova aged 18 and over, with the right to vote. The margin of sampling error among the main sample does not exceed 2.5%, while among the sample of young people – 3.9%.

The poll was coordinated by Dr. Rasa Alisauskiene of Baltic Surveys/The Gallup Organization, in the name of the Center for Insights in Survey Research, while field work was done by Civis Center. The survey was funded by the United States Agency for International Development.