
Maia Sandu: Ignoring of elections is inacceptable in democracy


“Regrettably, Igor Dodon, after a four-year term in office, refuses to come and speak to the citizens, refuses to come with responses to important questions,” said the Party of Action and Solidarity’s candidate for President Maia Sandu after Igor Dodon, who aspires to a new term, didn’t accept the invitation to come to public debates, IPN reports.

Maia Sandu said that she wanted a debate on economic themes as the economy means welfare, jobs, proper salaries, higher pensions, etc. Igor Dodon chose to print a report on expensive paper with public funds. “What did the President do during the past four years? What did Igor Dodon do during four years so as to contribute to attracting investments, opening more companies, improving the business environment, solving the problems of entrepreneurs, creating jobs, improving access to sources of financing, protecting entrepreneurs, promoting exports?” asked Maia Sandu,

The candidate noted she wanted to ask her opponent why he didn’t pay visits to countries from where large investments come to the Republic of Moldova, such as Italy, Germany, Romania, the UK, Poland, France, the U.S. “I would like to ask him what he did when the private sector, many enterprises were attacked by criminal groups, when businesses were appropriated, when the businessmen were suffocated by the state institutions and abusive inspections,” stated the politician, noting she also wanted to ask him if he followed how the prices in Moldova have risen and understands what high prices in a country with poor people mean.

According to the PAS leader, she didn’t find responses to these questions in the report printed by Igor Dodon. “He does not answer these questions when he goes with a motorcade of expensive cars with sirens through Moldova’s villages. Igor Dodon refused to answer these questions before the people by ignoring the debates, which is inacceptable in a democracy.”

Maia Sandu said the situation in the Republic of Moldova is very serious and urgent measures should be taken to remedy the situation. Two important things should be done: to sop corruption and to start the economy. “Dear people, on November 1, the power will be in our hands. On November 1, we can correct things. I know that some of you are disappointed. You wander if Moldova can be put on the correct path. We tell you that it can, but for the purpose you must go and vote. On November 1, we go to vote. It’s the time of good people,” stated Maia Sandu.

Igor Dodon repeatedly said that at least before the first round of voting, he will not take part in electoral debates as he prefers to focus on meetings with voters.

The candidates running for President are: Renato Usatyi (Our Party), Andrei Năstase (PPPDA), Tudor Deliu (PLDM), Igor Dodon (independent), Vioteta Ivanov (Shor Party), Maia Sandu (PAS), Octavian Tîcu (PUN) and Dorin Chirtoacă (UNION Electoral Bloc).