
Maia Sandu about tensions in Ukraine: Eventual military operations will affect us


President Maia Sandu said the authorities follow with concern the actions taken on the border between Russia and Ukraine. If a military conflict starts, the Republic of Moldova will be inevitably affected.  However, the official voiced hope that the international payers will identify solutions to maintain peace on the continent. Even if the Transnistrian region is a hotbed of instability, Maia Sandu said she does not plan to have a discussion or a meeting with the separatist leader Vadim Karasnoselsky, IPN reports.

An eventual attack on Ukraine by Russia, after Russian soldiers and military equipment were dispatched to the border, bother the Moldovan authorities. President Maia Sandu said a military conflict will affect Moldova too and will seriously destabilize the region.

“This problem is beyond the capacities of the Republic of Moldova. The most important forces and institutions are looking for peaceful solutions. We are following the developments and have mechanisms for collecting information. We have protocols that we update for each situation apart, but in case of military operations, we will be affected and the situation will be serious for the whole region. We hope a conflict will be avoided and we bank on the diplomatic actions of the West and Russia,” Maia Sandu stated in the talk show “In Depth” on PROTV Chisinau channel.

The official said she does not yet intend to meet with the Transnistrian leader Vadim Karasnoselsky, even if this recently published a letter by which he asked for a meeting with President Sandu to discuss “the Transnistrian settlement bases”.

“I haven’t seen any letter and haven’t planned any discussion or meeting with Krasnoselsky. All the discussions we have to address particular issues are held through the Reintegration Bureau. I do not consider a meeting is necessary,” stated Maia Sandu.

She criticized the participation by the Ambassador of Russia Oleg Vasnetsov in the so-called inauguration of the separatist leader when Moldova does not recognize the presidential election that was recently held on the left side of the Nistru.

“This is an unfriendly gesture. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs requested all the ambassadors not to send observers to the election. Those who were identified as potential observers were sent home from the airport. The solution to the Transnistrian conflict should be identified inside the country, not outside it.  The solution should be supported by all the forces and the citizens and should also enjoy foreign support as this is the geopolitical reality,” concluded the official.