MAI will decorate a forester who helped arresting two thieves
The police arrested today, July 12, two young men suspected of having committed robbery in Niorcani village, Soroca district. The arrest was successful thanks to the involvement of a forester. In recognition, Minister of the Interior Alexei Robu ordered the forester to be decorated with the Cross of the Merit, the institution’s highest degree, Info-Prim Neo reports.
According to a press release of the Ministry of the Interior (MAI), at about 1 AM, three masked men broke into a women’s house in Niorcani, Soroca. After beating and threatening her, they demanded her money. Her grandson heard the noise, came out and called a neighbor to help.
The man, a forester, took his weapon, which he owned legally, and came out. He saw one of the robbers coming to him and fired two warning shots. As the aggressor didn’t stop, he shot him in the leg. The suspects fled in a car.
The police alerted all the hospitals in the region and about 3 PM, one of the robbers was held in the Drochia hospital, where he came for medical care. Soon, the second robber was held at home. Currently, the police workers of Drochia and Soroca Commissariats and of the Operations Division of MAI’s Police Department are searching for the third suspect. The young men are from Chetrosu village, Drochia, born in 1989, 1990 and 1992.
They will be charged with robbery, punishable by 6 to 10 years in jail. MAI states that the decisive actions of Anatolie Rudoi, who intervened to help the victims of the robbery, made it possible to discover the crime and find the robbers.