
MAE asks president Voronin not to use state budget for electoral campaign


The European Action Movement (MAE) states that “the attitude of the candidates of the Communists Party in using the money from the state budget to support their actions in the electoral campaign is indecent and immoral.” MAE president Anatol Petrencu stated at a news conference in Info-Prim Neo's quarters on Monday, February 9, that he addressed an open letter to president Vladimir Voronin in which he says: “For God's sake, we ask you to stop wasting Moldova's austere budget by encouraging the colleagues on the list to use the public resources in the favor of their own electoral campaigns.” “Annually, the state loses some 1.5 billion euros because of generalized corruption,” Anatol Petrencu read out from a communique distributed at the news conference. “The actions of the leaders for the last 18 years have completely impoverished the state and have isolated it. The daily hardships are a burden carried by tens of thousands of good-faith Moldovans,” said Alexandra Can, who runs as a candidate for the parliament on the MAE's list and is proposed by the party for the position of premier. The MAE supports to urgently pass a draft law on confiscating the properties illegally gained by the present and former dignitaries. “Now Moldova needs an energetic measure, with a strong effect, so that those who are taking profit of their positions to steal public money are held accountable for their properties gained during the years when they should have worked for the interest of ordinary people,” reads a press communique of the party. Vitalia Pavlicenco, proposed by the party for the position of the parliament's speaker, says “the MAE has prepared an action plan through which the property of those dignitaries that cannot justify it should be confiscated by court decisions.” Last week, the MAE offered other parties a draft accord, called the National Pact against Corruption. According to the leaders of the party, the document has been so far signed by the Moldova Noastra Alliance. It provides for setting up a “National Integrity Office”, which should verify if the property statements of dignitaries are honest. The inspectors of this office should identify the persons who built luxurious houses, for instance, that their salaries could have never covered. If a court establishes illegalities and condemns the dignitaries, their properties should be automatically confiscated, the press release reads. In the open letter to president Vladimir Voronin, Anatol Petrencu recommends: “You now have the occasion to end your mandate and do something good for the ordinary people, too, after you have patronized corruption in this state for 10 years. It's high time that all the dignitaries get off their luxurious cars and see the real Moldova on their own money, not on the money of the people they have promised a better living to for 10 years, in vain.”