
Lupu’s proposal is immoral and increases distrust, political analyst


Political analyst Viorel Cibotaru considers Marian Lupu’s proposal that the MPs should be obliged to demonstrate how they voted in the presidential elections by showing the ballots when going out of the polling booth is immoral and increases people’s distrusts, Info-Prim Neo reports. ”Lupu does not need this procedure as he did not discuss with every party separately. He shouldn’t be concerned about how the lawmakers of the ruling alliance will vote because this is the responsibility of the party leaders. It is not rational to implement such a procedure only for fear that Lupu will not believe them. If he is not sure that the alliance partners will vote for him, they should not even say that the alliance existed,” Viorel Cibotaru said in the program “Fabrica” on Publika TV channel. Former Deputy Minister of Justice Nicolae Esanu said the Constitution provides that the President is elected by secret vote. “Those who put forward this idea should say if that vote will be thus secret. The lawmakers have great power, but they cannot ignore the rules. When there is a signal that any norm can be violated, this is more serious than the election of the head of state,” he stated. Political analyst Igor Botan considers Marian Lupu realized that he made a mistake. “I got the impression that Mister Lupu does not communicate with his party colleagues either. If he had spoken to Dumitru Diacov before proposing this initiate, Diacov would have told him that such a precedent exists,” Igor Botan said, referring to the presidential elections of 2001. He also said that Marian Lupu should tell certain things if he wants to be elected. “If he says that he will preserve the current government plan, Dodon and the Communists will not vote for him. If he says it in a different way, Filat and those from the alliance will not understand him,” he stated. New presidential elections were set for December 16 as the November 18 elections were declared null and void after no candidate for the presidency was registered. At least 61 lawmakers should take part in the voting for the elections to be validated. Otherwise, they can be repeated endlessly. Marian Lupu said he will apply for the presidency the coming days, stressing the MPs should show how they voted as it will be thus evident who wants early elections.